143 – Don’t be a ButterBall Christian (Spiritual Gluttony)

Spiritual Gluttony: The act of feeding upon those things that divide us rather than unify us.

All across the United States this week, the dressing will be prepped, casseroles will be assembled, and turkeys will be basted and baked! Thanksgiving is back once again and even though gatherings will most likely be a bit smaller this year, it’s still a time to express our gratitude for life and our love for one another. Oh and one more thing: a time to EAT!

SO what better time than America’s favorite food holiday to talk about gluttony! Now, just know we aren’t here to discuss your eating habits and consumption levels. We’ll let you handle that after you face yourself in the mirror that following Friday. But we are talking about Spiritual Gluttony. 

You know, Spiritual Gluttony. That feeling of needing to know one extra sermon or have just a couple more volunteers. Maybe the church altar call wasn’t as “responsive” as you’d have hoped or maybe you just need to quit being a glutton for reasons to be angry by reading your cousin’s tweets. 

If it robs you from love then it robs you from Christ and robs Christ from others. So let’s come together (6 feet apart but together) and share in a nice, healthy time of love rather than junk that just makes us desperate for more divisiveness.

Spirituality Untamed
Spirituality Untamed

If you are a woman looking to find your God-given purpose and let it loose, Elaine has a podcast for you. visit Spirituality Untamed

30 Thoughts Till Dawn
30 Thoughts Till Dawn

Listen to 30 Thoughts Till Dawn, a new, instrumental album created by Cody: http://brailleatlas.com/30thoughts

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