How we respond to life’s inconveniences can create a God-filled joy and blessing or can conjure up anger and burden.
Sometimes things don’t go our way. Maybe we woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Maybe we slept through our AM alarm. Or it could be like what we just learned: that you lost the keys to your bike lick so your bikes are fastened to your camper when you intended to go for a ride.
There are many instances in our daily lives that just don’t go our way. Plans get changed. Intentions are left unmet. Sometimes life throws us curveballs but how we respond to these instances can tell us a lot about our faith.
This week we are talking about how to not make mountains out of molehills. How to recognize what is actually a problem and what is merely an inconvenience. We talk about how our responses can create or rob us of our joy and how to find blessings in the midst of annoyance.
Faith is a beautiful thing so why not give it the right room to grow.
If you are a woman looking to find your God-given purpose and let it loose, Elaine has a podcast for you. visit Spirituality Untamed
Listen to 30 Thoughts Till Dawn, a new, instrumental album created by Cody:
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