149 – Stepping Away from Our Spiritual Baggage (to move forward in Christ)

The Spiritual Journey begins when we give ourselves permission to take the next step away from our past burdens.

Welcome to 2021 and episode 149 of The Reckless Pursuit! It’s time for new expectations, new goals, and a new episode! 

This week, we are talking about the power our minds have to dictate our emotions. We discuss how a new year is as good a time as any to choose to let go of our hurts and push into spiritual healthiness, as well as how it doesn’t take a new year to make those mindset shifts. We also touch on where The Reckless Pursuit is heading as we move forward into 2021.

We feel that for many of us, it is time to put one foot in front of the other so to speak. To begin furthering our spiritual journey. It does us well to annalize the baggage we once carried to learn what is necessary for our spirits and what is unnecessary weight but sooner or later we must lay it down and move away from it. To simply unload one’s burdens does not help our journey if we do not then continue onward.

Spirituality Untamed
Spirituality Untamed

If you are a woman looking to find your God-given purpose and let it loose, Elaine has a podcast for you. visit Spirituality Untamed

Snow Day - Braille Atlas
Snow Day – Braille Atlas

Listen to Snow Day, a new, instrumental album created by Cody: http://brailleatlas.com/snowday

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