152 – Alegory and Parable: the Language of God and Our Purpose Within It

Why does Jesus use parables to teach? Why do we love and relate so well to allegory? What’s the reason behind our love for stories?

There once was a listener who opened their podcast app to see what was new. Upon the realization that The Reckless Pursuit had a new episode, they took a look to see what it was about. To be quite honest, the title intrigued them so much that they clicked and had to take for themselves a listen. (Hey, I think this is talking about you…)

People love a good story. We draw connections, dig into deeper meanings, and tear apart plots and narratives to gather what life lessons we can carry away from them. We love to hear of the past; to reminisce on things that once were while drawing comparisons to how nothing has really changed. Stories are beautiful, terrifying, and the parable and allegory they contain shake us to our core and alter how we choose to exist on this big rock.

What if I told you that parables were more than just life lessons? What if I told you that parables are in reality, how God experiences His own constructs? Without us, the body, hands, and feet, there would only be ideas and no way for God to even comprehend the very thing He strategically planned. As an architect can envision a project by its blueprints, so did God build this place with the intention of seeing the divine reality play out in a tangible way.

It’s all quite beautiful really, even if it is only a metaphor.

Spirituality Untamed
Spirituality Untamed

If you are a woman looking to find your God-given purpose and let it loose, Elaine has a podcast for you. visit Spirituality Untamed

Snow Day - Braille Atlas
Snow Day – Braille Atlas

Listen to Snow Day, a new, instrumental album created by Cody: http://brailleatlas.com/snowday

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