This is part one in a two-part episode.
This week, Cody and Elaine hear from five people who have been through or are going through the process of deconstructing Christianity. They talk about what deconstruction is, what it looks like, and what it feels like. They discuss the statistics around deconstruction and how certain backgrounds change the way in which we deconstruct. Then, you will hear each one of their individual deconstruction stories and key take-aways from each. Deconstructing Christianity can be an intense topic, but even more so for those of us who have been through it. Let’s come together to understand one another and to learn what goes on behind the veil of the mind and how faith has to be experienced in a personal way, not just taught.
de·con·struct: /ˌdēkənˈstrəkt/ - reduce (something) to its constituent parts in order to reinterpret it.

A quick shoutout to The Liturgists Podcast. They are the authority of the topic of deconstruction.
A secondary shoutout to Jordan's band, The Dependence. Check them out!
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