Learning God’s Love Through Our Differences

Every single one of us shares a unique quality of God’s love. Once we learn to utilize our differences to share the same goal of loving people, then we have truly tapped into understanding God’s love for His people.

Our Differences Exhibit Different Aspects of Who God Is

People are pretty cool when you think about it. We all exhibit some aspect of who God is and how He loves us. We were all creative with different strengths and passions and when we learn to utilize those, we are able to love and understand each other. Our differences are what make us unique. Some of us are more creative type people with big ideas. And others may be more introspective thinkers who want to challenge the status quo. Wherever you fit in, however you utilize your passions, you were created with a specific purpose for your life. The beauty in our differences is that we all share a different aspect of who God is.

This week, Cody and I are talking about the differences between denominations, non-denominations and house churches. We know so many people have different opinions on each one and how it relates to their lifestyle. But the most important thing to understand about differences is that we can actually use them to our advantage.

See, the thing about differences is that we are all have different unique qualities of God’s love for us. Sure, we may not always agree on how to worship God or what scriptures to specifically follow. But as Christains, the one thing we all share is love. Our sole purpose is to love God and love others. That is what we are called to do as people but specifically as Christians.

All You Need Is Love

Some people practice loving God by others by serving His people through different ministries. While others love God through painting and creative outlets. The thing we can learn through our differences is that we should all have a similar outcome.


Love is the basic principle of our sole beings. It is the most important thing we have. And if we can learn to use our unique differences to show love to others, then we really are creating a better place for ourselves.

As Cody and I mention on our podcast, differences don’t make people bad. Whether it’s what kind of Church you attend every week or what workplace you excel at, our differences can leave a major impact on this world. But, when we see our differences as better than or start to exclude others who don’t look like us or share our same views, we inhibit others from growing. When we cut off our community because of our differences, we are not actually doing what we are called to do in this world.

Honestly, even if you are not a Christian and don’t follow a faith, these principles still apply to you. Despite who we worship, we are all humans and the most important thing we can do is love each other. But we can’t love each other when we focus solely on our differences.


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