Do you struggle with fear? For some of us, fear leads us in our daily decision making. Let’s look how to better understand the head triad in the Enneagram.
Tag: perspective
Do you love debate? Does going with the flow come easy? Do you struggle with perfection? Let’s look how to better understand the gut triad in the Enneagram.
Understanding the Enneagram and how it works allows you to understand who God is and how he loves us.
Every single one of us shares a unique quality of God’s love. Once we learn to utilize our differences to share the same goal of loving people, then we have truly tapped into understanding God’s love for His people.
Do you ever feel sluggish during the day? Maybe you lack the drive to get through the week. Or maybe you’re struggling to stay inspired through a rough season. No matter what you are going through right now, I want to share with you 3 bible verses you may need to hear today.
Sticky words aren’t always laced with honey. If you have ever grieved the words of a Christian, I am so sorry.