156 – Life is the Most Meaningful gift in Existence

Life is what we make it. But also what we make it can end up being so far from living. 

Nothing like having a gun pulled on you to make you rethink life, am I right? 

This week, we are talking about a crazy experience we had a few weeks ago that left us a bit shaken. But we learned a lot from it! Things like how so much of what we do is completely meaningless, how God and spirituality are so much more simple than we make them out to be, and how the simple joys in life are what count. 

This episode recaps a truly sobering moment in our lives. We hope that this is also a reminder to us that what brings us joy is worth pressing into. But also, what doesn’t bring us joy is not likely not as serious as we often think.

Spirituality Untamed
Spirituality Untamed

If you are a woman looking to find your God-given purpose and let it loose, Elaine has a podcast for you. visit Spirituality Untamed

Snow Day - Braille Atlas
Snow Day – Braille Atlas

Listen to Snow Day, a new, instrumental album created by Cody: http://brailleatlas.com/snowday

NOMADS is a safe community to ask unsafe questions about faith, life, and religion. We all desire community. We all want to feel welcomed despite our doubts. In NOMADS all of your questions and doubts are welcome. We want to join you in your spiritual travels because after all, God is found in our journey, not in our destination. Click the photo below and ask to be a part!

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