155 – Putting God on Cruise Control (when faith becomes second nature)

Sometimes our faith isn’t at the forefront of our thoughts. It’s like Jesus on cruise control. This is okay.

When you’re new to the faith you are often taught to meditate on Christ and to imitate him. Like riding a bike, at first, it’s all you can do to not just crash and scuff your shins. But as you get better and more familiar with balance and braking, you begin to focus upward and outward, taking in your surroundings. 

The same applies to faith. Just like riding a bike or driving a car, our relationship with Christ becomes so close to us that the action of faith itself becomes indistinguishable from daily life. And this is okay! Now of course there are times we have to give it our focus (and should!) but there is no built-in putting faith on cruise control, rolling the windows down, and just enjoying the ride.

Spirituality Untamed
Spirituality Untamed

If you are a woman looking to find your God-given purpose and let it loose, Elaine has a podcast for you. visit Spirituality Untamed

Snow Day - Braille Atlas
Snow Day – Braille Atlas

Listen to Snow Day, a new, instrumental album created by Cody: http://brailleatlas.com/snowday

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