The importance of reconstruction and finding a place to land.
Deconstruction is volatile. It leaves you feeling spiritually homeless and yet there is an excitement about rebuilding something so much greater than before. The process of reconstruction is a beautiful dive back into the very thing we turned away from but this time, with a new, more focussed mindset on finding God.
This week, we are talking about reconstruction. We are talking about finding a place to land after having been in a holding pattern for so long. Deconstruction is a beautiful thing but whether it be a new structure, a forest, or a monument, reconstruction is vital to finding a sustainable place in life. Without reconstruction, deconstruction can cause us to get trapped in a constant circle, burning fuel with nowhere to settle down.
Oh, and PS. IT IS OCTOBER! We have a bunch of spooky stuff planned for the rest of this week so keep an open ear!
This week we talked about:
- Intro to our October halloween series
- Reconstruction
- Positivity
- Finding a spot to land

Unknown Speaker 1:49
now our
Cody Johnston 1:50
favorite time of year has begun. Yes. And with that, if you guys remember last year, how much we love talking about it, we are going to be talking about Halloween. But not just Halloween, we’re talking about all kinds of fun stuff. Austin is planning to come back on the show and talk about a plethora of things about how New Age beliefs and Christianity converge. We have some stuff planned out, where we’re going to be discussing witchcraft and witches and what that looks like with Christianity and a bunch of other spooky things. So we have a bunch planned for October be fun, it’ll be interesting. And it’ll be a very interesting dive into some some aspects of all kinds of things that most of us probably aren’t that familiar with. So I look forward to bringing all of that. And we’re going to kind of kick off into that today a little bit, but really kind of what we’re gearing towards as we go. And we just want to go ahead and share this with you all. We have some pretty awesome stuff scheduled for the upcoming months leading out through the rest of the new year through the Christmas season and into the new year. Some really some topics we’ve talked about before we were really going to be pushing deeper into stuff like sexual abuse in church, we have some, some other podcast hosts are going to be hopping on and talking about a few different things and really just kind of turning over to this new direction we’re really feeling passionate about focusing forward on. And that is reconstruction. Oh, we also have an awesome episode planned out with Tracy on journaling for the new year. So it’s gonna be a good one leading into that. So we have a great rest of the year planned out. But really, we are so excited about going into talking about re construction, I just kind of want to talk a little bit about that today. And it’s kind of funny, because we’re here in October, we’re talking about spooky season. And I think a lot of people, whenever they walk away from a lot of their over religiosity, they kind of come out of it. And things like how you not such a big deal anymore, they’re not such a terrible thing to celebrate after all. So we’re just going to kind of shoot the breeze a bit on that today, we’re going to just tell you guys, our hearts and where we’re headed, and open up October with a bang. And I cannot wait for what this month holds. This will be a quick episode. And we’re just gonna run down a few things. But before we get to that, a few reminders. If you are not part of nomads, what are you doing, you need to be part of nomads go down there and click that link, join our Facebook group, we would love to have you part of the conversation. I love the atmosphere over there. People are just so it’s it’s amazing to see people have different points of view on things to be in different places in life yet come to mutual grounds on their own not having to moderate it, they just, it’s just the culture of that environment. She’s so beautiful. And I love watching conversation happen over there,
Elaine Johnston 4:42
which is very interesting, because I feel like I’ve never really seen a whole lot of that. And by all means that is not like he said, we have little moderation and all of that stuff. So it’s not something that we did. But like so many groups on Facebook or even places like Reddit and people and their differences. People are just so loud on the internet. And so just broken and hurt. And there’s a lot of trolls and it’s just it can get so convoluted, especially whenever you’re talking about, well, I don’t know if I believe this way anymore. And then somebody feels attacked because they still believe that or all of this stuff. But I love our nomads group, because I feel like none of that happens. There are so many like different disagreements and stuff over things. It’s not like it’s an echo chamber where everyone’s Yeah, it’s not like it’s an echo chamber, where everyone’s just agreeing with everything. But it’s also not where like, everyone’s just super combative people share their opinions and their experiences. And people were like, you know, that’s a valid experience. I’m sorry, you went through that. This is my experience, and it’s different. And that’s okay. And it kind of just leaves it there.
Cody Johnston 5:54
Yeah, so it’s a great place. And we would love to have you apart, click that link in the show notes below, and ask to join up. Also, whatever you’re doing right now, okay, if you’re driving, don’t stop what you’re doing. But if you have a second, please go and click that rate button, go down there leave us an honest review. It really helps people who are scrolling through iTunes or Spotify or wherever you’re listening to this to stop and realize what our show is about from someone else’s perspective. So if you enjoy the reckless pursuit, please go over there and click that button and leave an honest review. So let’s get right to today’s topic on opening up October, a little bit of reconstruction and just the holiday season all together. It is October,
Elaine Johnston 6:41
my favorite time of the year.
Cody Johnston 6:42
Yes, it is finally cooling down. As of today here in Arkansas, it has been 100 degrees, pretty much every day, all through September, all the way into early October. And here we are finally, the first week is just about gone. And it’s finally cooling down.
Elaine Johnston 6:59
Anyway, we went hiking Today I’m making pumpkin muffins. Making pumpkin cookies tonight, like we are just decked out and ready for Halloween.
Cody Johnston 7:09
Okay, so guys, you’re not here for that. So you’re not here to hear all the backstory. But we’re just going to kind of push today into deconstruction. And we’re going to start talking about that. And the reason this has been on our hearts and it’s been on our hearts for a little while and, and this is really the direction we’re going to kind of start going and we’re still talking about deconstruction, we’re still talking about all kinds of stuff. But really, it’s just it’s the idea that when you focus on the negative, you manifest the negative when you focus on the bad, you manifest the bad, we’ve all been through some traumatic chromatic stuff. And that’s okay. It’s it’s, it’s not okay that it happened. But it’s okay, that we have those emotions that we have that baggage. And there’s a lot of people talking about deconstruction, I’m really, you know, the more you get into it, the more you realize, like there is a whole group of people out here talking about this. And it’s very comforting. But the problem that I have seen with the word deconstruction particularly is it can kind of box us in, it can create an atmosphere where we’re not able to get out of it, where it becomes this, almost like this is its own belief system in and of itself. Oh, I’m deconstructing I’m deconstructing, when in reality, faith is growing. And there’s a point where Yes, you have to deconstruct something, but the deconstruction process, it takes it’s it’s a, it’s it’s a very volatile process, you know, when you’re going through it, the walls start falling down, you’re knocking stuff over with a wrecking ball, you’re busting out the walls, you know, you’re tearing things back to the frame, and then begins reconstruction, I really just want to talk about how faith in general is growth. And faith is something that we It may not look like what it always looked like to us, it may change, it may look different. But over time, once you start, once you get to the ground level, once you get back to the bare bones of it, you start putting things back on, and then it’s a constant process, or it should be a constant process of refining and that spiritual growth. And I don’t want any of us get caught up in the idea of just tearing apart our faith tearing apart our faith, without giving consistent effort to building back up our faith. Now don’t get me wrong, deconstruction is needed. It’s a very many, many, many of us have been through situations where deconstruction is very, very needed. But I just I think there’s beauty in coming out of that and understanding a new side of who God is understanding more about God and what is what is reconstruction to you.
Elaine Johnston 9:44
So I actually talked about this a little bit in our newsletter, think two weeks ago. And you know, you and I had been having these conversations about deconstruction reconstruction. And it really just reminded me of whenever you and I started building our house a couple years ago, and it just the process of building and tearing down, you know, we had original plans that didn’t make it through the aftermath of building the house, there was things that we added, there’s things where we took away, we kind of changed up some of the dynamic of the foundation for some of the rooms and all that stuff. So to me reconstruction is you think of a building, and maybe an old building. So you go in and you know, the deconstruction part is like, Okay, well, this wall needs to be fixed, or this foundation needs to be level again, but you don’t live in empty house forever. You know, whenever we moved into our house, it was half finished, like we had one bathroom and one bedroom, they were on completely separate floors. And, you know, the first few months of our marriage, we, I guess reconstructed the house are we finished building the house, the way that we were comfortable with the way that it worked for us. And we’re still you know, several years later, we’re still adding things. And I mean, what the very room that we’re sitting in, we completely revamped this year because the process that we had in the past was no longer working for us no longer working for our growth and maturity, and where we were headed. For me reconstruction is just the restoration period of like, okay, you know, I, I kind of got rid of some things. And now I’m living in an empty house. Now I can start rebuilding now I can start adding rooms now I can start, I’ve already taken away the things that don’t fit or that the things that don’t work for me. I’ve already fixed up the walls and fixed up the roof and the foundation and all of that stuff. I’m grounded. I know where my values and morals lie. Now I feel comfortable. And now I can start filling the rooms backup.
Cody Johnston 11:53
Yeah, reconstruction is a beautiful thing. It’s one of those moments where, you know, it’s interesting, there’s so many different things whenever you start deconstructing, just like kind of carry over your analogies, all the different rooms have a different you know, have a house, you have deconstructing prayer, you have deconstructing God as as a father figure deconstructing God’s love, deconstruct deconstructing grace versus wrath. I mean, it just goes on and on. There’s so many different facets, just the religious side of it. Yeah, that’s just what the religion side. So I think that I really want to push into with this episode, just what reconstruction has looked like for both of us, Elaine, and just kind of some of those areas we have reconstructed. And since it’s October, I’m going to start with this one. I used to have a really big phobia of dressing up. I had a big phobia of dressing up, because I thought it was sinful, to not be me to try to like be something else. We talked about church masks, that’s a sermon, I heard a lot growing up. And I thought it was in my head, I thought it was not being true to who God made me. So I had a phobia of dressing up. When I was a little kid. Sure, I would go trick or treating or whatever. My parents weren’t the most religious people, they were spiritual. They weren’t the most religious people. I had to throw that little buzzword around spiritual and religious. And, you know, so I would do that when I was young. But as I got into like my teenage years, I had like an identity crisis, which was when I had my first kind of deconstruction, I was heavily involved in church. And this was kind of the period where I walked away from church for a minute. And I was just really like, grounded in this like, No, I can’t, I can’t dress up, I can’t do anything for Halloween, I can’t do this. I can’t do that. That’s not that’s not appropriate. And then one day, I was sitting there tearing apart everything that I once believed I was mad at where had I had come from, I was just ready to change. And I realized like, hey, it’s not being inauthentic myself to wear a mask on Halloween or to have fun on Halloween. Like, this isn’t against God, because my heart isn’t against God. And I had this. This is just kind of like a very vague thing, right? But like it I had this moment of like, Oh, wait, that’s not sinful. That’s not bad. And it seems silly. It seems silly to me now. But that was a serious thing for me at that point in my life as a as a, you know, I guess like mid teens, 16 year old guy. I had this identity crisis. And then I realized my identity was deeper. My identity in Christ was deeper than just that outside perspective of me. And now I have masks hanging over my wall. And I love making masks. And it’s like one of my,
Elaine Johnston 14:29
all of my favorite pastimes. Yeah,
Cody Johnston 14:31
we make our Halloween costumes pretty much from scratch out at Comic Con. Yes. So that’s just a silly thing, right? Just to kind of like tie it into the whole October Halloween stuff that is to come as we move forward in the spooky month. But something else that I have really been recently to kind of bring it home. You know, Elaine, and I haven’t really been going through like, say deconstruction, but we’ve been in a constant state of reconstruction or remodeling. Something that I have personally been reconstructing, and I realized I wasn’t doing much is prayer and like, kind of let me give a little bit of precursor whenever I worked in church, I always remember getting so tired of just working church because I never felt like I got to be actually experienced God. I felt like I was burning both ends of the candle. I feel like I was just going at it. But I never had an authentic experience between me and God. And there’s a big difference in having a relationship with God and working for God, there’s, there’s, there’s a big difference in having a relationship with your, you know, your supervisor, like being friends with your supervisor versus just working for your supervisor, like there’s a difference. And kind of coming out of that on the other side. We’ve been out of, you know, full time ministry and working in church and all that stuff for quite a while now. And I was realizing we talk on this podcast all the time about about God. But how often do I talk to God. And so I understand a lot of people come out of reconstruction in prayer, let’s come totally different. And I was having a kind of learn that too. And so something lately I have been having to do is really press back into prayer. And this kind of started we were talking with my cousin not too long ago at his house, and he was just really pushing into prayer himself and was that was a place in his life. He was really needing that. And I just realized, like, man, I haven’t prayed in a while I haven’t been praying in a while. And so I’ve been trying lately to just incorporate prayer back into my life, but not prayer like it used to be. It’s not the prayer like it used to be. And I’m not saying that I’ve ever been one for like, oh, How great Thou art Holy Father type prayers. But like I knew how to pray, according to the church, like I used to lead prayer at church all the time, like I was a worship pastor. So I would be kind of going in and out of prayer and stuff during worship. Like I knew what to say, to make people engaged. Like I’m just being honest, I knew what to say. But I’m kind of having to strip that back and just go God, I don’t know what to say. And right now prayer for me and a lot of ways look kind of more like manifestation and kind of more a little more new agey than it used to look. Prayer for me a lot of times means sitting, meditating, imagining God drawing closer to me imagining his, his energy imagining me get on his wavelength, right? Like, I’m literally like, Okay, I’m gonna slow my breath down. I’m going to, to space out my breath. And I’m going to just imagine me getting in sync with God sinking up with him. And so that that is prayer. And I’m just like, God, I’m open. That’s a big thing that I’ve been doing right now. Used to my idea was prayer was just like, Oh, god, this is what’s going on in my life. And I need this and I want that. And God like I love you show up in this way manifest in your presence, yada, yada yada like this, this, I didn’t know how to shut up. And now a lot of times, My prayer is just God, I’m open to hear you today. I’m just going to be in a state of prayer all day. I’m just in little moments. It’s not even like me talking to God. And sometimes it’s just like being aware of God around me. As I’m walking through the woods, like we were hiking today. I don’t know what part of the clip I’m going to be putting this on YouTube. But like, we got some serious like hiking hair. And we’re in our gym clothes right now. So just, you know, we came in here, we started recording. So I just I’ve had these moments where I’m just like, you know, like, wow, God’s all around me right now God is around me, I don’t have to try to reach out in some weird way. I don’t have to start it a certain way. I’m just like, He’s here. And that is prayer, just the acknowledgement. And it’s just like, sometimes whenever you just acknowledge someone else’s presence, it makes their day. That’s exactly how it is with being God right now. I just acknowledge his presence. And he acknowledges me, Elaine, what’s something you have deconstruction in the past and are now in the process or have been in the process of reconstructing?
Elaine Johnston 18:48
I know, a few years ago, I was very interested in yoga and meditation, but I didn’t necessarily know what that looked like. And I remember talking with some people. And this is like, before the whole holy yoga scene kind of came up or at least was prevalent. And I remember people warning me of like, Okay, well, don’t worship the sun, like, be careful of how many doors are opening or what you’re opening yourself up to being susceptible to. And I was just like, I mean, even at the time, I was just like, okay, that’s stupid. For me, I’m like, I’m not going to worship the moon or the sun, like for, like, I recognize that I don’t know how a yoga pose could open a door. But even more so now, specifically, with the meditation side, I’m like, kind of what you were saying, just kind of being aware of God and really opening up and even if it’s just like, your prayer for that day is god i’m open and I’m, I want to hear from you. And then that’s it. You don’t have to pray for an hour unless you want to info compelled to, but even officious, hey, God, like, I acknowledge your existence, today, you are with me guiding me, let’s do this thing. And then that’s it, and then you’re just open, and just manifesting exactly what it is that you are wanting to be more a part of. And so that’s, that’s something that I’m also kind of exploring more, and kind of diving into more, not necessarily the yoga aspect of it, though, I’m open to that, too. I just haven’t actually sat down and tried yoga, but specifically for the meditation, you know, every morning, I try to write in my journal, I have a specific method that I write in my journal, and I try to just sit in reflection, and just writing down the things that I am speaking existence to, into and speaking life into, and, and not just writing down goals of, Oh, I wish I could do this, or one day, I’m going to be this, it’s like, I already am this and already speaking as if it’s already happened. Because it helps me like be in the mindset of that. And so just again, the big three things, all kind of tying into each other is mindset, meditation manifestation and just all what that entails. And like I said, I remember people warning me of like, whenever you open your mind, you’re opening doors, or whenever you are doing yoga, be careful of how you represent and be completely centered on God when you do this stuff. And I used to think manifestation was a very creepy word, until I actually understood that we have the power, like God gave us power to speak life and or death into existence, or life doesn’t
Cody Johnston 21:37
the power of the tongue.
Elaine Johnston 21:38
Yeah, and just really understanding the power of our words and our thoughts and just how powerful that can be in either a positive way or a negative way. And so just really understanding like my thoughts and my actions and the way I talk and just being very mindful of that. And I do used to, I guess, not really pay attention, not much, to my thoughts or to like what I was speaking out into the world. And I wouldn’t say I’ve been a negative person, my entire life or anything like that, like I try to be positive and optimistic, but just really something that I’ve really been exploring. And so I don’t know if that’s necessarily reconstruction. But maybe it is because I’m finding the way that I know how to speak with God or the language that God speaks through me or to me, and just really exploring that. And so for me, that would be my reconstruction is going from I don’t know what this looks like, or thinking that there was only one way of talking to God, like you said, through a specific prayer that you learned in church to just having a specific language that works for you, and the way that that works for you and God.
Cody Johnston 22:51
Well, and I think that’s actually a valid point. Because I think that’s a good point to know the difference in D and reconstruction of where’s the dividing line? Well, whenever you’re D, something, when you’re D, something, you’re destroying deconstruction, you’re, you know, deep hacking, unpacking whatever it is, it gets messy, and you’ll know it gets messy, and it gets confusing, and it just all becomes a jumbled mess. But when it starts to make sense, that is reconstruction. And everyone’s reconstruction looks a little bit different, right? Some of us are here listening to this, and are all on board, because we have reconstructed to some form and understanding of God. Some people have reconstructed to something that doesn’t look like Christianity. And that’s their walk, that is their journey. But something that I think that is interesting about reconstruction, specifically and what you were saying, Elaine, is it like when you start sorting those things out, you can have one person over here, who now believes this aspect of God and now has this new aspect of God, and this other person over here may have a different view. But when you come out of a form of serious deconstruction, I think it’s beautiful, how patient you are with other people’s views, because you realize that there is so much more to God than we are able to comprehend. And if someone needs a stricter, more harsh God, to feel love, well, I don’t believe that is true freedom. I believe there’s freedom outside of that, I believe that God is more free than that, right? But I don’t want to try to preach at them for where they’re at. But whenever they start having a crisis of faith, then I’m going to be there for them. But in the meantime, it’s not my job to convince them differently. Sure, I will try to show them a loving God because I think God is love. But at the same time, it’s not me to sit there and tell them, oh, you’re believing wrong, you’re believing wrong. Because I’ve been there I was there, I had been that person that thought all the crazy things about God about how stern he is and about how I was, you know, my group of people was the only ones that had it, right? It’s etc, etc. And some of the things that I really want to bring up throughout the month of October, really kind of diving into some of these other belief systems that seem contradictory to Christianity. And if you listen to my other podcast, itinerant, you can find it in the show notes below. I do a lot with this. This is one of my most interesting things I talked about is how so many different religions draw from so many other religions. You know, I had a whole debate, I haven’t even went back and read it. But I’m talking 20 to 30 comments deep at this point, on a Facebook status I have about the origins of witchcraft and and how I got confused and was like capitalistic Judaism and like how all these different things like kind of splintered off in these factions and like, it’s all more connected than we think. And that is because everyone’s seeking after, after the divine after God. You know, I was talking with someone the other day over over coffee and just hearing him pour out His heart to me and some of his views. I’m like, man, we don’t believe that different, you worded a little different than I do. But we’re both seeking after the same thing. And that’s just the Judea reconstruction is coming to this understanding of showing God’s love is so much easier than we make it out to be. And I don’t want anyone to feel like they’re caught in a vortex of constantly having to be combative. And I’ve seen it, I’ve seen it online. I’ve seen it with some folks. And this is actually one of the big things that kind of spurred up the idea of like, Hey, we need to be pushing into talking about the positivity of like, whenever you start tearing stuff apart, it’s easy to get in the habit of just tearing things apart. It makes us very cautious to trust it makes us very cautious to listen we start questioning everything. And while that’s good, it gives us this mentality that not only are we to question everything, we’re also not to trust anything and we lose our landing. We’re just constantly in this circle pattern, we never have a spot to land. And this just brings me back to a conversation we had with Pauline Goni like I don’t even remember what episode that was. But it was a great conversation. And one of the things he said that really stuck out to me was, it’s great to adventure. But just always make sure you have an anchor, always make sure you have a breadcrumb trail however you want to describe it, make sure that if you need to find your way out of if you don’t find the heaven, you are looking for out in the weeds, that you can make it back to safety and not get lost out in the forest. And that is just that is the epitome of what happens with deconstruction. Whenever we don’t have that trail we get lost out in the forest. And we we start to kind of adapt this new way of it’s a become survival. Instead of thrive. And, and survive or thrive is never a way to live. God calls us called us to thrive, we’re not meant to just survive. And so if you’re in a pattern of deconstruction or I get it, I’ve been there, I have lost all trust and not wanted to trust anyone or anything or any. I never, I didn’t want to have anything to do with anything. And I couldn’t figure out what I wanted in life or where I was going to land or what I was going to land on. Because nothing is I couldn’t give anything a chance. But I just want to tell you this, or I want to encourage you to this, if anything, it’s okay to give something a chance.
You don’t have to open yourself all the way open to it. But open yourself up to the divine and he will show you He will give you guidance and he will show you hey, here’s some where you can land or at least give you enough rest to figure out who you are. And I think that’s the other beautiful thing about all of this is God is found in both he’s found in the deconstruction and the reconstruction because that’s faith. It’s a constant cycle. We’re constantly maintaining our house. We’re constantly adding upgrading like, you know any homeowner, what do they do whenever the room starts to get too cluttered? They clean it out? That’s how we’re supposed to be with our face. Oh, well, where do we pick that up along the way? Okay, we gotta get rid of that. Get back to God. Oh, wow. Okay, so that’s a little weird, this wall colors little intimidated, we gotta, we gotta update a little bit to bring us back to God. It’s always constantly cleaning, dusting, renewing, to bring us back to God. And God is in all of that. And God is with us in all of that. And it goes back to that Bible verse I love so much be patient with those who doubt. And God is found in those questions. And he is found in that journey of DN reconstruction, and he is constantly present even when we don’t even know if we believe he’s there or not. And that’s the beauty of God, he’s so much bigger than any question. And he’s so much bigger than any of our, our pre packaged doctrines or anything like that. And his love just covers all,
Elaine Johnston 29:36
the important thing to remember is that one, we are all on a spiritual journey. And that may look different than the person sitting next to you that may look different, even from your spouse, or your children, or your parents or boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever. And that’s okay, because they’re on their spiritual journey to what Cody was saying about how we’re actually a lot more connected than we realize is that that, yeah, everyone is on their spiritual journey. But everyone is at different parts of their spiritual journey, you can’t expect somebody to be going through the exact same thing. Or even if they are going through this same, a similar experience, you can’t expect them to react the same way you would react or think the way that you would think about this situation. And the important thing to remember, is just that everyone is on a spiritual journey. And wherever you are currently at you are there on purpose, and then as part of your story, but you don’t have to stay where you’re at, if anything, is unsettling to you, if things start, you know, kind of caving in, or your foundation is like, you know, I don’t know, if I believe in this or, you know, I’ve been questioning this thing. And I finally come to a conclusion that works for me, that’s fine. You know, we’re all links in the same chain. We’re all on that spiritual journey, but it doesn’t look the same for everyone. And that’s okay. And something
Cody Johnston 30:58
I want to say before we just kind of wrap up this this conversation, I want to talk specifically to the kind of like 18 to 30 crowd, right, the people who were either like going into college, in college or into their like, kind of started their career people were Elaine and I are at, guys, it’s okay to have questions and doubts. It’s okay to not know all the answers. And it’s okay. Like, we’re not the generation that so many people think we are. We’re not this generation of careless people, I see the work that we’re doing out there, and the change we’re trying to make and the positive growth, and just realize that that doesn’t happen overnight, and you’re not out there to try to change anyone’s perspectives. Because God doesn’t care what someone else thinks about you. So why should you? It’s not it doesn’t matter what another generation thinks about us, it doesn’t matter what another group of people think about you, what matters is your journey. And your journey matters. And it is important, and that is just the epitome, I just say this specifically to us. We’re a generation that feels like we’re being forced into college, and then we get out of college, and we just have debt, and we can’t find the job of our dreams, etc, etc. You know, we’ve been told our whole life, just go bust your butt for a company and, and do everything you can and hopefully they don’t fire you along the way. And when you’re 65, you can retire and live the last 10 or 15 years of your life, not having to do anything. And all of us are looking at all this like American dream like this is bull. This is absolute crap. We don’t want this. We go through crisis of faith because we’re told that God is supposed to be this loving God yet the church shows hatred, that they show this exclusive mentality and that Muslims are bad. And the people of the LGBT q plus community are bad. And all these people are labeled Bad, bad, bad. And you have black churches and white churches who can’t get along. And you had which is ridiculous. The segregation within even denominations in certain groups in certain places. And you have one denomination, it says this, the other denomination says this, and they’re both saying they’re the only ones going to heaven. And we’re just over here like this is just garbage. I hear you and I get it. It is. But don’t let that discourage you. Don’t let that be the thing that pushes you away from seeking after what God has for you, because it’s so much bigger and so much greater than any of that. And let me tell you all that isn’t real anyway, that’s just the crap. That’s just the that’s just the wasted time wasted effort junk. But whenever you start getting real with your questions, and you start being honest with Allah, hey, I don’t even know if you’re there. I don’t even know if I’m talking to a real thing right now. I don’t even know what I believe anymore. That’s where true growth happens. So do not shy away from that if you’re in a in a place where you’re like, Ooh, I’m scared to really do that I, you know, I’ve kind of grown up in this church. And that’s kind of look bad on me, or I’ve kind of grown up with this political belief. And that’s gonna look bad on me. Or I’ve grown up believing this about a certain other group of people. And, you know, I’m really going to feel our cast fast. start changing that, change it, change it and do what you feel that you know, the Holy Spirit is imparting into you do what you feel God is leading you to do, even if you don’t even understand it’s God, you know what I’m talking about that tug at your heart that says, this is the direction you’re going to go? Because the only regret you can ever have in life is being untrue, to who you were created to be. So that’s my thing. And I guess we can just kind of end with this question right here. What area have you been in a holding pattern on? What area of your life? Have you been in a holding pattern and did not know where to land? And I just wanted to kind of think it can be rhetorical, but just kind of think on that. What areas right now, have I been in a holding pattern for me was prayer. And to go a little deeper than that? Maybe it wasn’t just prayer. Maybe it was just God even hear my prayer. So what’s the use? Or is God even there to hear my prayers, you know, like, it goes deeper than just those. Just let it dig, dig deep on it. Just let it let it kind of soak in and just kind of unpack all of that. Because that’s where spiritual growth happens. We’re here for you guys. We love you. We would love for you to be a part of nomads. We keep the conversation going and it’s completely free community. And it’s just it’s a safe place for you to come and express your questions express what you’re going through. So click that link below and ask to be a part. If this really just spoke to you or you know someone This was speech who we asked you share it with a friend. That’s the best way to keep any conversation going. And so, word of mouth is by far the biggest way to keep a conversation going. It’s it doesn’t happen through social media posts or anything like that. It happens from actual communication between two people. And so we appreciate that so much, guys, we love you. We’re here for you. And as always be brave, be bold and be reckless. We’ll talk soon
• what area of your life have you been in a holding pattern on?
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Itinerant: Biblical History Beyond the Bible.
It's easy to get in the habit of tearing things apart. - Cody Share on X
We are all on a spiritual journey and that may look different than the person sitting next to you. - Elaine Share on X
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