There is no “them”, there is only us. Divisiveness is not what God intended for creation.
Have you ever heard a sermon about how the big bad world is out to get you? Maybe you had a family member tell you how certain people are your enemy. Perhaps you have been hurt by someone and now certain things trigger you or cause you to push people away.
No matter the cause, divisiveness is one of the worst things that wreak havoc on our minds. We were created for community but division isolates us from each other which in turn isolates us from God.
This week we are talking about how to discover our triggers and overcome them so we can be in unity with each other. We discuss what triggers look and feel like, what causes them to take root in our minds, and how to disarm them. People are never the enemy and while healthy boundaries are good, unhealthy boundaries can hold us back. This episode is challenging but together, we can be brave.
This week we talked about:
- How to notice divisive thoughts and what triggers them
- Personal convictions
- Us vs them mentality
- Is there such a thing as a baby Christian?
- Allowing yourself to be put in someone else’s shoes
- The unreliability of first impressions
- No one is an unworthy vessel
- Reactionary projection of our flaws on others
- How pushing something away often causes us to dwell more on it
- Shifting your thoughts from a negative frame to a positive frame

Cody Johnston 1:21
Hey, everyone, welcome to the reckless pursuit. My name is Cody and my name is Elaine and this is episode 101. And today we’re talking about something that has been brought up a lot in our circle lately and it is basically the idea of there is no them. There is only us. And we’ll kind of talk a little bit about why we are talking about this in just a moment. But first, welcome to the first official episode of the one hundreds we did our recap episode. And so this is the first official This is 101 guys we are in it and just a couple of quick things. If you haven’t done so, so far go down there and click that link and asked to become a part of nomads. nomads is going to be a huge focus of ours as we move forward into the next 100 episodes. So be sure to go down there asked to be a part and get in on these conversations. That is our favorite part of all of this is having these conversations behind the scenes. Also, if you haven’t done so, so far, go down there and leave an honest review that helps all passer buyers Is that the right way to say that pastor buyers Sure. Know what this show is about. And it just gives them one extra thing to know that they can come in confidently. And it definitely helps people feel a little more comfortable. So we appreciate everyone who takes the time to go and review. If you’re a first time listener, welcome. We’re glad to have you here. And for all of our returning ears. Thank you so much for spending this time with us. So do we have anything else to go over or can we get right to it? I think
Elaine Johnston 2:58
we get right into it. All right. Let’s do this.
Cody Johnston 3:02
So we decided to go to church last week. And last Sunday, we decided, like, I guess whenever this is coming out, it’s not this like day before this comes out with the weekend before that. So, two Sundays ago, we decided to go to a church. You guys know we enjoy being nomadic. And so we do still enjoy like going to church from time to time. Sometimes I feel like we’ve learned something or maybe not learned something, but sometimes I feel like it. It helps us being around people who are at least somewhat like minded. And then other times it reminds me why we do what we do here on the show. This was one of those moments when we showed up because it was a gentleman teaching, if you want to call it that, that I really just don’t like it’s really sad because the head pastor of this church actually thoroughly enjoy his teaching. I don’t always agree with everything he says, but I do actually enjoy his teaching, but their youth pastor was teaching I’ve probably talked about it on the show before I can’t stand when he preaches or teaches or whatever. You want to call it
Elaine Johnston 4:00
which I should say we have never had a conversation with this man. So he could be a great person. Just to clarify, we don’t actually like know this person, but we’ve seen him teach about that was a third time. And every time we were like, okay, no,
Cody Johnston 4:15
yes, first of all, because he teaches from a place of fear. And I actively heard him talking about how it was us versus them basically, in those words. I mean, he was very
Elaine Johnston 4:27
he has preached that we have seen talks about that. Yeah, that’s not a new concept. It’s just it was very, very stuck out to us.
Cody Johnston 4:36
Yes. And it’s it’s very frustrating cuz he’s using the whole verses like, Oh, go and run your race under the Lord and all that which, okay, that’s fine. Like, we know that verse. We’ve heard that verse taught a million different times and a dozen different ways. But the thing that was kind of frustrating about it is he was like, Oh, just focus on the event. Just focus on the end, all that matters is getting to heaven. And that was kind of like the recurring theme and I’m like, man, if you’re living Life of just trying to get to heaven like you’re robbing yourself like why did Jesus come to earth and show us how to live? You know if if heaven and earth are right here, you know Heaven is, is right here. If Jesus was coming to show heaven on earth, why are we so focused with that? I mean, that’s a common thing. But when
Elaine Johnston 5:16
the scripture that he’s basing it off of was I believe it’s in Romans where it says to not be conformed of the world, but to be renewed by your mind.
Cody Johnston 5:25
Yeah, well, it says yeah, not to be conformed to the spirit of this world, but be renewed, renewed by the transforming of your mind which we did an episode with Todd Vic A while back on his take on the
Unknown Speaker 5:34
latter half of the verse.
Cody Johnston 5:36
Yes. And I love that his whole book is called the renewing of your mind, and I love Todd’s that whole conversation like it was a great conversation on like a more accurate in my opinion, and more accurate rendition of that. But this guy, of course, is taking it to be like the same old same old churchy type way not
Unknown Speaker 5:56
supposed to be over the world. Right Stuff
Cody Johnston 6:01
I am going to go through here I had a couple of notes that I actually pulled from this church service
Elaine Johnston 6:08
good or bad that we take notes on the things that we disagree with. Whenever we go to a church service, we’re like, no.
Cody Johnston 6:17
Yeah. And so he was reading a verse, the first Corinthians nine verse talking about like, run the race or whatever and how like, basically he was talking about his experience. How he went to a public college, and there were so many bad influences, but he found a Christian bubble he could hang out and, and that was okay. But then when he went to like a workplace environment, they were just cussing and swearing and like it tried to pull from his witness, which that’s one of the key words that like Elaine and I were talking about, like, what does it mean to like to take from your witness, I don’t understand that terminology. Like I’ve used it like I understand it, but like, I don’t get how hanging around someone is going to pull from your witness and then the whole point of His message was like not to be conformed. And let’s let’s kind of take this for a second. In some way, there is a bit of truth to that, right? Like, you aren’t supposed to go out and let anyone can form you. You’re supposed to be confident who you are who you are in Christ, who God has made you to be, there is a level of confidence there. And know if you let anyone out there can for me there’s no telling who you would end up being you do have to have a moral ground. And you have to draw the line and say, this is where my line is at. And I’m not going to allow outside influences to push me in the wrong direction. You have to know who you can be around, if certain situations out there like put you in the wrong frame of mind. Like you have to know all these things. But you also don’t have to be scared of these things. And that’s different for different people. I can go to a local club and I don’t even drink Mind you, but because of like the stuff that had with my mom and everything, but I can go to a club and watch a local band and it doesn’t influence my mind to want to go out and, you know, get wasted like some of the people that are sitting at the club for other people. That’s just Different that’s a different scenario going there is a trigger for them. For me, there are certain other traders I have to deal with that aren’t triggers for other people. That’s personal conviction, right? But I being that I am I’m, I consider myself a mature Christian right. I’m not a baby Christian, which we’re going to talk about that in a second to I use air quotes there. I know what triggers me and what doesn’t trigger me and I know what I can be around what I can’t be around. I also know that it’s not wise to divide yourself away from anyone. For one everyone to me has God everyone is a representation of Christ. He’s in there waiting to be let out waiting to be loosed to do amazing things in our lives. Even those who don’t know it yet, and to look at someone else as less than or who is like absent or different. I just I don’t think that’s healthy. And I can kind of I thought it was really funny because I was just reading back he was reading in First Corinthians the whole you know, run the race of Christ, whatever. fiasco Bible verse and I was like, Started scrolling up and I was reading the context of the Bible verse. And I thought it was interesting because first Corinthians 920 2020 through 23 says this, Paul to the Jews, I became as a Jew in order to win the Jews to those under the law I became as one under the law. They’re not myself being under the law, though I might, or that I might win those under the law to those outside the wall, I became this one outside the law, not being outside the law of God, but under the law of Christ, that I might win those outside the law. To the week I became weak that I might win the week, I had become all things to all people that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with him in its blessing. So this entire sermon was about how to segregate yourself off and not to be like anyone else. And here Paul is saying is like, I literally try to identify with everyone and I try to put myself in their shoes and becoming Come as them Now does that mean that Paul is like going out and you know, like, committing the same acts that like he’s already grown and like understands right from wrong You know, like he even says like I’m not outside of all Christ but I can’t I become as one outside of the law of Christ. He was literally saying like, be conformed, not conformed mentally, but be conformed or allow yourself to conform. So you may understand one another’s perspective that doesn’t mean to compromise, but it means allow yourself to be put in that position. So you can understand people and spread the message of the Bible itself of you know, the good news which is love Jesus is love,
Elaine Johnston 10:42
which also brings into account things like the enneagram and different love languages and understanding what speaks to different people showing them love. The ultimate message is love. But people receive that differently. Some people receive that and gifts Some people will receive that and affirmations. Some people receive that in physical touch. And like I said, the main message is love. And so yes, there are instances where you need to use that same language to convey that message to somebody else. That doesn’t mean that all of a sudden, that’s the only way you receive it or that you automatically change your love language. It just means that you are humble enough to be able to get in the position where somebody else is you are able to step in their shoes, and show them love with their understanding their level of understanding.
Cody Johnston 11:32
And so a big thing that I really wanted to focus on on this episode as we kind of we’ve talked about what what brought on this episode and now a couple things that are just practical. I really want to focus on this mentality because I feel like this is the mentality that is pushed on us. It has been sown literally you know, the whole reap what you sow, it has been sown in like bad seed into our brains of like us versus them. They are the outsiders. We are here. We’ve talked about this before, but I really want to talk about practicalities on how to get out of this for one, how to identify this mindset, and then how to get out of this mindset. So feeling let’s just discuss real quick a couple of things that we can look for in US feelings, emotions, ideas, thoughts, whatever that is, that says, Oh, wait, I have this bad seed that I’ve got to pull out of the us versus them mentality. I think a big one, just kind of out of the gate is snap judgments of people based on first impressions based on the way they talk based on little things like that. And you know, it’s an interesting thing people put on front a lot of times it’s a, it is a self preservation tactic to put up a front to kind of portray yourself as something that not necessarily aren’t, but like not 100% accurate. It’s kind of like the whole thing of like peeling back the onion, right. Sometimes you have to get through 30 minutes of crappy dialogue, to get to like the real heart of the root. But once you start engaging in that That’s when you can find like the core of someone and getting that authentic conversation. And I know for me, that’s a big one. I’ve talked about it before with like, really our whole, like, the whole thing we did is the Bible inspired I talked about that is like, Am I using my Bible or a gun? Like what? Am I judging people through the eyes of their judgment or love? And I think that’s one of the big things that I have to watch for. And maybe you two, on the other end of this, of this dialogue of this conversation, is whenever you see someone, what about them is the first thing you notice. And if it’s not, and I’m going to be straight up honest, it’s I’m still working on this. I mean, obviously, I think all of us aren’t such as some degree. But if the first thing you notice about them is not their divinity, then we have a ways to go
Elaine Johnston 13:43
well until also recognize that not one person is better than the other person. Even if you’re a Christian, no matter what political values that you hold a matter what religious values are, you hold whatever you’re not higher. Above anybody else. We are all equal. We were all the same goddess All of us, and just humbling yourself to realize that because either your Christian in this person isn’t or you’ve been a Christian longer therefore your quote more mature in your spiritual faith than the other person regardless of that the titles don’t really mean anything. We are all God’s children, we should all interact with each other as much, even if we don’t have the same beliefs or ideas or thoughts or opinions, and just recognizing that it’s not us versus them, but it’s just us there isn’t them. There’s only us
Cody Johnston 14:37
well, and I think a good analogy to that would be there is no unworthy vessel, right? There is no unworthy vessel of God’s love of God’s goodness of God’s compassion of the love of Christ. We are all worthy no matter what sins we have committed, like, that’s biblical, that’s Jesus’s entire message. But it’s so easy for us to look at someone else as Oh, well. They have committed x y&z They have done this, they have done that, even if it’s more intimate. Like they said this about me, they have done this toward me their attitude was this at me, that doesn’t make them a less worthy vessel. And of course, we always need to preface this here. Like there are situations where it is unsafe for you to be involved with that person. This isn’t saying that, but what it is saying is like every person is worthy of God’s love, and that’s a hard thing to swallow. And that reminds me of what Jason em said in Episode 99. Where it’s, you know, if you found out everyone was going to heaven, would you be happy? Or would it make you angry? And that just that shook me like I think we randomly bumped into my dad at Panera one day and he was even talking about He’s like, man that was like such as like, that got me is just a powerful statement. I think anyone who hears that it makes them stop and think right? And so just kind of taking this all back. One of the first things to pay attention to is well how does my mind perceive that person? Is there a certain type of clothing that triggers you can make you think that that person is a certain type of person? Is it a certain manner of speaking A certain dialect, a certain skin color, a certain hairstyle a certain way someone carries themselves. There are many different triggers some obvious some a whole lot less obvious. Is it something that they do that so minute, but it reminds you of someone else who hurt you and you associate the two. They’re all these little triggers that make us divide lines and I’m not even talking just churchy lines. Okay, we know that religion kind of likes the whole us versus them thing because let’s be honest, war feeds the cogs right. We have to have something to be at war at. Not literally, but figuratively lifetimes, literally. Yes. But that’s like what drives the economy. And that’s the same thing with what drives our faith economy. That’s not good. It’s not Christ like but it is. The sad truth of like, there has to be an enemy. And a lot of times people just aren’t willing to take responsibility for themselves and realize the enemy most of the time is your own. crappy thinking. And that’s biblical. You know, whenever Jesus looks at Peter and says, Get behind Me, Satan, because Peter is not willing to accept Christ, right? He’s in a bad mindset. Literally, Satan is often referring to a mind set. And so like a lot of times, we’re taking on a satanic mindset when we’re taking these judgments out of character of God’s creation. And those are just some of the little triggers. What are some other triggers? That just kind of lead to an us versus them mentality? And what do you think
Elaine Johnston 17:33
there can even be an us versus them mentality when it comes to specific Christians in like, in the faith of Christianity and the religion of Christianity? Will they worship that way? So obviously, they’re wrong, or they believe this about God or they’re more free in this or they’re more secluded in this or they have a conviction of this. And sometimes it’s our own quote, fellow people. I mean, I believe that we are all each other’s brothers and sisters. But specifically speaking in the Christian faith, we can be so dogmatic and hateful towards each other. And to recognize that we all at some point, have a negative mindset. We are all living in a fear mindset at some point in our lives, and to recognize that a lot of times whenever we have those triggers, were triggered by ourselves were triggered by our own negative thinking, like you were saying, I’ve heard a lot of people a lot of like psychologists speak this is whenever you hate something about somebody else, whenever you project a hatred or a prejudice or bias and somebody else, you actually have that deep within you, and you want to push that away, you don’t want to focus on you, you want to focus on something
Cody Johnston 18:45
else. Sure. It’s kind of like and we see this in church a whole lot, as well as many public figures. why someone is so actively preaching against or if you see like this recurring theme of like, how dare you look at porn? How dare you look at porn. Like this, this aggressive mentality that or you know, how dare you question God? How dare you question god, they’re probably questioning God like non stop. Because we have this, this tendency to project like you said you lie in our deepest insecurities or flaws or struggles I’m not going to say flaws. I don’t I’m not gonna sit here and claim their flaws. I don’t think I think it’s the wrong word. I think struggles or even like areas in which we are trying to grow. We project that outwardly and push and like anything to push that away, specifically, because we feel like if we do that, it will help give us some kind of strength to, right. I mean, it’s kind of like the whole idea of like, Oh, well, if I’m not gonna eat cookies, like I don’t need to eat cookies because I’m trying to lose weight or I’m trying to, you know, gain muscle or whatever it is, you know, I’m not dogging on cookies. I like cookies, but you Oh, I’m just gonna put them in the cookie jar and put them high up somewhere away in the cabinet. Whatever. You’re thinking about them all the time, because you’re pushing it further and further away. I had a very dear friend, talk to me one time about his past struggle with alcohol. And he said that, like God legitimately delivered me from alcohol. And he said, if you have been delivered from alcohol, why are you scared of it? And I thought was an interesting perspective. And I was like, so do you have to distance you? Of course, this was I was talking to him about my mother and everything. And he’s been a mentor to me in a few different times in life, and he and I are just very good friends. And I was asking him like, so like, can you be around it? Like, how does that work? And I was, this was, I guess, I was probably like, 2122 we’re having this conversation has been about four years back, and he said, I’ve had a drink since then. He’s like, I don’t drink but I intentionally picked up a glass once he had like a glass of wine or something like that, and had a sip, just as tell my stairs to prove that it didn’t control me anymore. He said, I took one sip. I poured the rest out and I walked away. And he’s like, I can be around people drinking. It doesn’t phase me Why? Because I’ve grown past that. And I think that’s like a beautiful place of maturity to say, you know what, like, whenever God is dealing with something, you can push it away, push it away, push it away. And I’m not saying like, oh, if you’re struggling with like infidelity, you need to keep a bunch of people around who are prone to infidelity. That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying like, the more you try to fight to keep something away, the more barriers you put up for yourself, the more it’s almost like competitive to see if you can’t figure out a way over that. And that kind of comes with people to like, you can push people away. My friend could have pushed people away who drink I could have pushed people away who drink and I did at one point in my life. But you know, I was like, You know what, that’s not what controls me. Not everyone is that to me, and I had to get over the addiction of hatred, just as he had to get over the addiction of alcohol and now, being free from that. It’s no longer a stumbling block for us. And that kind of comes back to that, like you can take your own issues and project them on someone else. And that creates the us versus them as well. I think that’s what the church does a whole lot is we say, Oh, these people out here, they’re distant, they don’t have God, we want more God. So we have to divide ourselves away from them. Because how else are we going to be more like God? Well, actually, in reality, if you want to be more like God, you have to get outside of that just like Jesus did. And get in those groups of people just like Paul did, just like Peter, did. You have to get outside of your bubble, and get involved with those people because you draw them close. And not only are you drawing closer to God, but you’re projecting that closeness of you and God you’re projecting God out from you on to other people and showing them the true capability that they have as well.
Elaine Johnston 22:43
So how do we flip that? How do we get rid of those biases and prejudices, prejudices and all of that sort of how do we start viewing people as just us?
Cody Johnston 22:54
I think personally, one of the biggest things is just admitting it You have someone you have a problem with, based on, specifically, your just your biases. I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with going to that person and admitting it. And I’m not saying that every situation calls for that. I understand that there’s scenarios with that. But if I have an issue with someone based on their action or their behavior, which mind you like speaking specifically, of a behavior, that’s not necessarily deemed as bad, I’m not talking about like they’re right. Not unethical, but because of my own biases. If I go to them, and I’m just like, hey, I need to be really honest with you. This is something I am struggling with, and I’m trying to get through it. And that’s hard and it’s humble, but I think that’s what it’s about is being humble. If you have an issue, the church if it wants to get through its biases, it should surround itself with people,
Elaine Johnston 23:53
more people like that.
Cody Johnston 23:55
Yes, people who are not as ingrained in their culture Because they’re we’re all the same. We’re all humans. We’re all in this, we all have that spark of divinity created in the image of God. And so I think that’s a big thing is just getting through those biases by facing your biases. You have to realize that like, while Yes, there are times where you may have to distance yourself from some things to get through certain addictions, certain traumas, certain, like things like that. If you allow those traumas, and this is something guys, I’m going to be really straight here. Those of us who have church hurt, this is hard, I’m going to kind of bring it, bring it home for a second. If you’re so scared of a church, that you’re not willing to face, someone who’s been in one, or you’re not willing to talk to someone and meet them where they’re at, then you have just as much baggage as they do. And I’m not telling you you’re not allowed to heal, like you are allowed to heal. You’re allowed to not go back to a church, you’re allowed to do those things. But if someone needs church and that’s giving them life, then it’s not our place to judge them on that. It’s not our place. Say, Hey, you’re not, you know, you’re not drinking like, Oh, well you have these certain beliefs or whatever, like, I understand that you may be through that. But they may need that right now there was a time that I need to church in my life. There was a time whenever I needed some of those teachings that I look at now. And I’m just like, wow, that was garbage that is crappy teaching. And that kind of goes to the whole baby Christian thing that we were just talking about. Anyway, I’ll let you share what you had shared with me, which was profound.
Elaine Johnston 25:24
Yeah. So he was the pastor at this church was talking about the scripture about the spiritual milk and for, quote, baby Christians, and what that entails having the spiritual meat actually following Christ, what that looks like as you mature in your faith, but in the realm of not being conformed with the world,
Cody Johnston 25:45
right? Like if you want to be an adult Christian, get out of the world and get plugged into your church was his mentality. Oh,
Elaine Johnston 25:50
yeah. And the thing that stuck out to me was what if spiritual milk is more law, you become a Christian or And you realize okay, oh there’s these 10 commandments you need to love your neighbor and not be envious or not do these things and everything but the actual core the spiritual meat is like Okay, why do we not kill people? Well because we love them and then just understanding that the core of Christ the core of being a Christian is to love and love God love other people love ourselves, being communities with people and allowing people to sit at our table and and not having those prejudices and, and biases and everything. And this spiritual milk is more of like, Okay, this is how you love somebody. This is how you don’t love somebody, but the actual core is okay, why do we not do those things? Love is the ultimate message.
Cody Johnston 26:54
Well, and that’s kind of like the way you had wrote it down was spiritual milk is law. Spiritual meat is Love. Yeah. And that’s the whole message of Jesus. Like I came to fulfill the law, like love incarnate, right comes to fulfill the law. If you want to have the deep, I guess relationship with Christ, it’s like, okay, there’s a time when you’re healing where you need laws, I need to set this boundary, I need to do this, I need to do this. And then there’s the overcoming of it that Okay, now I have to remove these boundaries and love. And some of those boundaries may have to stay. I’m not saying that what I’m saying is like, if a boundary for us, like never walk into a church again, that’s fine. But at the same time, you could also have a boundary up that’s like, okay, I can’t talk to people from church right now because I trigger me and that one is going to have to come down because that’s keeping you between people.
Elaine Johnston 27:43
I also feel like if you say, oh, I’ve been healed, I never have to go to church again. I’ve already been through this deconstruction phase church just isn’t for me. But then you dog on people who are in church, especially a good church and it’s working for them, then you’re not actually healed.
Cody Johnston 27:57
What’s the other side of fundamentalism, right. You’re now on fundamentalism for, for like, I guess like freedom or whatever it is you’re just you’re just you’re still a fundamentalism just in your new belief. And
Elaine Johnston 28:09
regardless of whatever side you want, whether you are fully ingrained in the church, and you lead in a church or you’re not in a church, whatever side you’re on in the middle of regardless, is just understanding that everyone has their personal relationship with God. And what that looks like for somebody else may look different to you. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s wrong,
Cody Johnston 28:30
right? Correct. I love that. And then kind of just kind of wrap this together a little bit more. Some of the other things that I think are so pertinent to this conversation, are just how we can kind of go back to like how we can overcome these biases. I think that whenever you surround yourself with people, whenever you allow God to do something in that to get you through that, and then the other thing, just kind of tying it back into how to identify when you start Changing your mindset. And this is something I’m working on a whole lot right now is, I’m no longer going to look at someone else’s, like that person did X to me. Instead, it’s like that person God desires for this person to be that God desires for me to be this. It’s not trying to get away from the negative when you can shift from the negative to the positive that really helps bring down those us versus them stigma I mean think about it, oh, Muslims are bad because terrorism shift that mindset of like, Muslims are passionate, and I’m not talking about terrorists here. Okay. Like I’m not dismissing terrorism like I know how some people would take that. What I’m saying is like Christians have been terrorists to like most religions have terrorists. There’s plenty of terrorists Buddhists, Perry,
Elaine Johnston 29:47
like I mean, there’s there’s humanity, there’s going to be
Cody Johnston 29:50
anger war, like, yeah, there’s going to be godless
Elaine Johnston 29:54
of the background, culture, religion, politics, whatever, like you’re going to have that
Cody Johnston 29:58
but instead of like pigeon holed groups of people, ethnicities, whatever it may be, if like this person is this, look at it and say like, well, what is God see the mouse? What is God seeing this because he sees the past that he sees past that into the core of who they are. And that’s like taking on the lens of God. I’m not saying it’s easy. But when you can shift away from the negative views of someone, even more casual things like Oh, man, this person, bless their heart, they’re really just wrapped up in this sin. No view them is like, man, I have a heart. I am praying blessing over their heart, literally not just like in this passive aggressive comment that we use here in the south, right? Like, I’m literally praying blessing over them. Because I truly know that God has so much for them, and I want them to operate in that freedom to and when you start to see those little shifts of like, man, they’re just instead of just going man, they’re just wrapped up in this sin. They’re just, you know, they got that you’re speaking that over them. You’re speaking that bondage over them. You change as like, man. God has like a Radical plans for their freedom. That’s just, that’s it’s a mindset shift that releases God and a whole different way. And this actually kind of ties into another topic that Elaine and I are going to be touching on really soon. So if you haven’t subscribed yet go and do that, because we’re about to talk about another topic in the next few episodes. Our guests, our next solo episode, where we’re going to be talking about why does God lay it on your heart to pray for other people? And this is like something that she and I’ve been kind of having dialogue back and forth about next, and then we’re going to be discussing that kind of ties back into this. So why does God put it on our hearts for other people? Why does God put other people on our hearts? And so Guys, let us know what you think. Let us know. What are some things or what are your tips
Unknown Speaker 31:45
how we can better love those around us?
Cody Johnston 31:46
Yes. And to bring down that us versus them mentality? What have you seen beneficial to just view people as us versus us versus them? It was weird, but he’s saying that you get what I’m saying. Guys, go and find us and nomads go to there. Click that link and ask to be a part also screenshot this episode as you’re listening or whatever player, share it on Instagram On Facebook, tick tock I don’t know wherever you’re at and tag us in it and we will be sure to give you a shout out so go and do that we would greatly appreciate it and helps us get the word out about this show. Guys, we love every single one of you and as always be brave, be bold and be reckless. We’ll talk soon
There is no unworthy vessel of God's love, of God's goodness, of God's compassion. - Cody Share on X
What if spiritual milk is more law and spiritual meat is more love? - Elaine Share on X
Check out our new apparel at Cedar Temple!

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If you enjoy campfire stories, Biblical history, and folklore, check out Cody’s podcast,
Itinerant: Biblical History Beyond the Bible.
If you are a woman looking to find your God-given purpose and let it loose, Elaine has a podcast for you. visit The Prodigal Daughter:
NOMADS is a safe community to ask unsafe questions about faith, life, and religion. We all desire community. We all want to feel welcomed despite our doubts. In NOMADS all of your questions and doubts are welcome. We want to join you in your spiritual travels because after all, God is found in our journey, not in our destination. Click the photo below and ask to be a part!

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