Islamaphobia in Christianity: Which belief is ACTUALLY doing the “devil’s work”?
Racism is a terrible thing, there’s no arguing that. But what if your racism isn’t perceived as such? What if this version of racism is deemed “the Lord’s work” by many and shunned by few?
This week, we are continuing our conversion with Jordan and Camille of Halidom. Last time we talked about racism amidst COVID-19 but this week we drilled down on one of the worst, most rampant forms of racism that plague not only our Western culture but Christianity as a whole. We are talking about racism and propaganda towards Muslim culture.
Muslims are a group so often misunderstood in our circles of faith that it borderlines insanity and is nestled well into the notion of ridiculousness. We spread blatant lives, make boldfaced assumptions, and allow our cherry-picked ideas of their beliefs to categorize them with the most extreme versions of their religion (all the while turning a blind eye to our own).
This is a heavy topic, but one that needs to be addressed so let’s get right to it.
This week we talk about:
- Terrorism framing Muslim culture
- Christian’s desire to have an enemy
- Racism in the early church
- The Chrsitian false doctrine of superiority
- Christian vs Muslim terrorism in the eyes of the media
- Dissmisiveness towards those who carry the same label as you
- How negative views of culture emphasizes the bad traits of that culture in the younger generation
- The relationship between terrorism and fundamentalism
- Viewing others beyond a flat, 2D image we have created of them
- Listening to people over propaganda
- Hate comes from fear (Perfect love casts out fear)
Watch Halidom’s series on Islamaphobia here:
We are connecting with some amazing people for a three day, online summit! Fune, 5th – 7th, join us as we all discuss Deconstruction, Reconstruction, and the spiritual journey. Not every Christian who wanders is lost.
NOMAD 2020 is open for registration! Find out all there is to know here:

If you enjoy campfire stories, history, and folklore, check out
Itinerant: Biblical History Beyond the Bible.
If you are a woman looking to find your God-given purpose and let it loose, Elaine has a podcast for you. visit The Prodigal Daughter
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